Everybody’s Golf series is no longer a PlayStation exclusive

Everybody’s Golf iOS

After more than 20 years of loyalty to the PlayStation, Everybody’s Golf is also coming to iOS.

Everybody’s Golf, or Hot Shots Golf in America, has been a PlayStation exclusive since its first sequel back in 1997. The series regularly received new sequels every two or three years, and to this day we count as many as 13.

Sequels are usually pretty similar games without overly big changes but always sell well. Although the series is far from a kind of golf simulation, it has always been adorned with exceptional gameplay and fun.

Sony released the last big Everybody’s Golf in 2017 for PS4, and two years later it was followed by a performance for PlayStation VR

But after more than 20 PlayStation loyalty, Everybody’s Golf is coming to another platform, but under a different name. So developer Clap Hanz, to everyone's surprise, announced that as of today, Clap Hanz Golf is active within the Apple Arcade subscription, while Everybody's Golf name will remain exclusively on the PlayStation.

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