The boxing series Fight Night will return, but not soon

The boxing series Fight Night will return, but not soon

Electronic Arts will launch a new game from the UFC series in the future - which is no surprise. But that’s why the surprising news is that it won’t be the only fighting game they have in preparation. Several different sources have seen an email from the Canadian branch of Electronic Arts stating that the return of the boxing series Fight Night is planned.

The project, code-named "Moneyball", reportedly received development approval from the leader of Electronic Arts. However, the whole project is on hiatus precisely because of the new UFC, as both games are run by the same team. In other words, the return of Fight Night should not be expected so soon - definitely not before 2023.

The Fight Night boxing series is the successor to the equally successful Knockout Kings of the late 1990s. It was current between 2004 and 2011 and a total of five different games were launched. All the games were received extremely well, but the series stopped ten years ago.

In recent years, Electronic Arts have started listening to fans' cries, so they have started returning some of their favorite series. They plan to return to Skate and Dead Space and are working on the PGT Tour again.

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