The Witcher 3 - A Night to Remember sounds almost like an official expansion

The Witcher 3 - A Night to Remember

"A Night to Remember" is the name of one of the trailers that accompanied the launch of the cult Witcher 3. But it is also the name of an interesting project made by a group of modders and fans of the game. This is a kind of expansion that continues the story after the events from Blood & Wine (the last official chapter of Witcher 3).

In this mode, Geralt meets some new characters, but also meets old ones, explores the mystery, and makes some difficult decisions - a classic Witcher afternoon, one would say. It is clear that a lot of work has been invested in this mode, but what makes it special is that it brings the voice acting of the protagonist very similar to that of the original actor but without the actor Doug Cockle participating in the project.

As the Kotaku portal explains, the mod uses CyberVoice technology, which uses artificial intelligence to simulate the actor's voice. It’s not an insanely new technology that causes astonishment, but it’s still proof of how game modification has become advanced and ambitious.

Still, simulating someone else’s voice can be gray territory that can cause an entire project to fail if the actor whose voice is simulated decides to sue the fashion creators. Hopefully, that won’t happen with A Night to Remember, which you can download on Nexus.

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