Returnal in version 2.0 got a game recording system that can be resumed later
The sci-fi shooter Returnal is inherently challenging because of the amount of action it delivers. But an extra layer of the challenge came in the fact that the game had to end “in one sitting”. That is, the game could be interrupted by putting the console into sleep mode while the game is running and resuming later. But in doing so, it was not allowed to turn off the console or start another game. That was too much for some players though.
The developers of Returnal heard the criticism, so they worked on updating version 2.0 for a while. Today it was launched, so Returnal got the option to suspend the cycle, ie a kind of checkpoint system thanks to which you can exit the game, turn off the console and then continue where you left off anyway.
It should be noted that this is not the same as the traditional position recording option. In the case of Returnal, the suspended position cannot be loaded more than once, but only once. Once you return to playing the suspended position disappears. Likewise, players are more significantly limited when they can activate cycle suspensions. I can't do this in the middle of a fight and during boss fights, cutscenes, first-person camera sequences, and the like.
In addition to Suspend Cycle, the new update also includes Photo Mode.