Tesla is under investigation because games can be played in the car

Tesla is under investigation because games can be played in the car

Current Tesla car models can run games such as The Witcher 3, Cuphead, and Stardew Valley and display them on their central screen. Although the warning is that games can only be played while the vehicle is stationary, ie while it is not moving, there is also an option called Passenger Play, designed so that other passengers in the car can play games in Tesla. With this option, the driver can bypass the restriction to start games only while the vehicle is not moving.

The Passenger Play option is questionable by the US Office of Road and Traffic Safety, which believes that playing games at Tesla can be a nuisance to the driver himself. The competent office has therefore launched an introductory investigation to determine whether Tesla is violating the law, ie whether it is true that games can be easily played while the vehicle is in motion.

If investigators determine that the driver is unsafe due to the Passenger Play option, Tesla will have to block running games and browsing the Internet on all screens in the front of the car. In that case, playing games in Tesla would only be allowed to passengers in the back of the car.

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