The streamer is giving away $20,000 for beating an old game without dying

The streamer is giving away $20,000 for beating an old game without dying

Some streamers spend their earnings buying gifts for famous rappers, while others have a different method of self-promotion. 28-year-old Charles White Jr. under the moniker Cr1TiKaL has pledged to pay 20 thousand US dollars to whoever finishes the old Halo 2 on Legendary difficulty setting, with all skull modifiers and without dying a single time.

Why this particular challenge? Well, *supposedly* no one has been able to pull it off in the last 18 years that Halo 2 has been available. I mean, maybe someone did it privately, but you know what they say - if it's not on the stream, it didn't happen.

Cr1TiKaL states that there have been previous attempts to complete Halo 2 under these conditions, but no one made it past the starting level due to the brutal difficulty.

In case you know how to play Halo 2 and think you can easily come up with $20,000, contest entries are here.

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