The creators of Resident Evil Village have been accused of copying the looks of one monster in the game

The creators of Resident Evil Village have been accused of copying the looks of one monster in the game

Resident Evil Village was among the most played and watched titles last weekend. The game has caught the attention of many, including film director Richard Raaphorst, who claims that Capcom in the Village plagiarized his work by unauthorized copying of an opponent's appearance.

So, the opponent who caught the eye of the director is called Sturm and is one of the mini-bosses that the player faces towards the end of the game. This is a character who has an aircraft propeller instead of a head. 

An identical character also appears in Frankenstein’s Army horror film from 2013, and its designer claims he did not give permission to the Capcom team to use his character in their game. Several users added that this is not the only opponent that resembles the monsters designed for the said film, to which the director replied that at first he was angry about everything, then proud, and now he is sad.

Capcom did not comment on allegations of potential plagiarism.

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