Minesweeper - On This Day

Minesweeper - On This Day

Playing on early Windows operating systems did not provide the user with much entertainment. In an era when the Internet was not yet widely used, Windows mostly came with a package of a few simple, pre-installed games. One of them was the legendary Minesweeper, which first appeared as an integral part of Windows 3.1 on this day in 1992.

The concept of Minesweeper is a puzzle game that has existed since the 60s of the last century, only in games under different names. There were various variations on the theme, but the basic idea was mostly the same - the player must discover the fields in the net without "stepping" on the mine, and when he discovers the field with the number, it shows him how many surrounding fields are mined.

Microsoft's Minesweeper in Windows 3.1 has replaced the Reversi game from previous versions of Windows. It had several adjustable game weights, ie board size. The game didn’t change for years until Windows Vista (2006) when it got a new look and animation.

This look remained in the Windows 7 version before Microsoft with Windows 8 left Minesweeper out of the standard offer for the first time and turned it into a brand new game that is still available on the Microsoft Store.

As for the mobile version, Microsoft is working on a smaller number of Windows Phone phones. There are versions for Android and iOS - there are many different ones - but Microsoft has nothing to do with them.

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